Welcome to OKCon 2013!
§ #okcon #legalhack
barn raising, 1910
BLIP legal hackday, 2012
pick a theme
explore interests
mix and match skills.
ask questions
talk to the experts
don't just google it.
get your brainstorm on
sort through ideas
paper prototype.
throw away the {code}
cheap and cheeasy
go go go go go!
(re)ignite the passion
keep up the motivation
don't forget to have fun :)
it's not a race (or is it?)
Rome was not built in a day
achieve your goals.
document your project
make the effort count
teaching = learning.
use the social network
real world relevance
from Open to Open.
The Challenges
§ #okcon #legalhack
-> tweet-vote your faves!
What are my chances of success if we go to court (or if I plea non-guilty)?
{1} Create database with names, status, result
{2} Extend to include the claim and the result
{3} Create a website to query chance of success
Visualize what qualifies as derivative work, in particular in the context of Open Source.
{1} collect data: court cases, references to statutory code
{2} visualize a rule for derivative works
{3} build an app
A platform for collecting information about mass tort cases.
{1} Visualize aggregated cases in a mass case
{2} Admissibility, size, and effect of contingency fees
{3} Find and quantify other elements in legal systems
{4} Contingency fee radar
{5} Decision matrix
Start a wide community appeal where restrictions on data exist.
{1} Develop crowdsourcing of not-so-open data
{2} Make an easy way of sharing restrictions
{3} Visualize the “not-so-open-data map”
An open resource of international privacy and data protection laws.
{1} Create data schema for international privacy law
{2} Input data (e.g. existing policies)
{3} Visualise data transfer agreements
Linked Data repository containing information about regimes in product liability.
{1} Find an extend an ontology of legal theories
{2} Populate a semantic triple store
{3} Develop an API for product liability
Think about new ways of how Swiss laws and regulations could be digitally published.
{1} Link laws and individual articles of court decisions to votes
{2} Linked databases of laws and the application
{3} Search for the laws of the Swiss federation and cantons
Design a portal for information about Swiss legal courts based on open data.
{1} Read and organize open data about Swiss courts
{2} Create a basic design for the Web application
{3} Implement the database, and put the site online
An Open Government Data Swiss Licence, similar to the one on data.gov.uk
{1} Start or obtain French/German translations of Open Data Commons 1.0.
{2} Discuss adaptations needed to Swiss laws.
{3} Publish the results on the Web.
Create a better search engine for the Swiss Supreme Court.
{1} Enable the use of search by filters
{2} Implement search by law articles
{3} Implement search by keywords
Let's get started!
§ #okcon #legalhack